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What is a Diploma Mill, and how do you define it?

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A diploma mill is an institution that claims to be able to award an American degree but does not have the legal authority. The school may use a Pacific Ocean island IP address and a physical address in another country. Since the school lacks a clear jurisdiction, it's difficult to take legal action against it. Consumer-1 came across an "Belford" website while searching online for a high school diploma program. This she believed to be legitimate.

High-pressure sales tactics

Diploma mills offer unaccredited academic degrees that are often less than what you pay for. They usually don't require extensive work or evidence that you are competent and they charge a flat-fee for their "degree" as opposed to billing per credit. They also have high-pressure sales tactics to convince you to enroll in their program.

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Short duration of study

Diploma mills allow students to earn degrees quickly. They require students to complete short exams and write brief papers. Diploma mills award degrees to students regardless of their grades.

Quick turnaround for issuing a degree

A diploma mill school can be easily identified, but they aren't accredited by national and regional agencies. Rather, their degrees are often issued without academic work. Instead, students receive credit for their work experience or life experience before they enroll. Be cautious when a diploma is given without any work experience or academic coursework.

Unaccredited status

Unaccredited diploma mill schools should be a red flag for students and employers. These institutions don't have the same standards and oversight as other accredited schools. These institutions may have names that sound legitimate such as Standford University, Yale University or Harvard University. They may be highly selective and have a reputation, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These schools might not be accredited, but the degrees they offer are ineligible for employment.

Similarity with accredited schools

While diploma mills often use the same names of accredited schools as they do with diploma mills, they are vastly different. Accredited schools charge a fee for each credit, while diploma mills pay a flat fee to complete their degree regardless of the number earned credits. In addition, diploma mills often use foreign addresses to avoid U.S. laws and are not accredited by the USDE.

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Lack of regulation of diploma mills

Globalization and digital technology have made it possible to create huge black-market enterprises called diploma mills. They lower the value of legitimate qualifications, and they degrade brand equity as well as market share. They also weaken consumer protections, and compromise the integrity higher education. It is important to stop the growth of diploma mills.

Next Article - Hard to believe


What systems can be used in eLearning?

E-learning is an online learning system where students learn from a computer screen. It allows for interactive activities such quizzes or tests, as well as discussions.

E-learning also includes web-based programs which allow users access to information on the internet via a computer. This program is also known as "online learning".

What should my eLearning course be like?

Your eLearning course should encourage interaction between learners.

This means the design must be simple to navigate and the content should be clear.

It also means that the content must be interesting and compelling.

Three things are essential to ensure your eLearning course meets these requirements.


First, you must decide what content will be included in your eLearning courses. In addition to the content itself, you also need to decide how long each section of the course should be. For example, if you want to teach someone how to write a letter, then you need to decide how much time you want to spend on each topic.


The second decision that you must make is how you want learners to navigate through your course. Do you want them scrolling through all pages at once? Or would you prefer them to go directly to certain parts of the course?


You must decide how you want the course to look. You will need to decide how long each screen takes to load and what size font you want. You also need to decide whether you want to have graphics included (such as pictures).

Once you've made the necessary decisions, it's time to test the course and make sure it works.

What does eLearning require?

E-learning requires a lot of time and effort. E-learning also requires an understanding about how people learn. The learning experience should focus on what learners are looking to accomplish.

The content must be interesting and relevant. Learning materials should include visual aids such as images, videos, animations, and interactive elements.

E-learning should be fun and engaging. It should put a lot of emphasis on motivating learners. It should provide feedback and encouragement to learners who are hard at work towards achieving their goals.

How much multimedia should an eLearning class contain?

The answer will depend on what you want. It is better to have a shorter delivery time if you want to convey information quickly. For those who are interested in delivering training that will teach people how they can do something, though, it may be worth having more.

It is important to understand what you want from your eLearning course. Your learners' expectations of your course are also essential. This will help you ensure you have sufficient content to meet your goals.

You can take this example:

It is best to show people many examples of text documents if you are trying to teach them how to use Microsoft Word. If you are trying to teach people Excel, however, they will need to see many different types.

Also, consider whether or not you will use images or video to illustrate your concepts.

Video is great for showing people how to do something, but it's not so good for explaining complex topics. Video is also quite expensive to make. Although images are much cheaper to produce than video, they lack the same emotion and impact.

The bottom line is that you must think about your goals before you design an eLearning course.

How do I get started with eLearning?

If you don’t have the skills to create online courses yet, it’s a good idea not to worry. A tutorial or quiz could be a good idea.

After you have learned this skill, you can move onto more complicated projects. If you don't know HTML well, it is a good idea not to begin by creating lessons from pre-built templates.

What is the benefit of e-learning and how can it be used to your advantage?

Learners can access e-learning anytime and anywhere. It allows them to learn wherever and whenever they like.

E-Learning provides the opportunity to learn from others with similar interests. This interaction improves communication skills as well as knowledge sharing.

The technology allows students to transfer information between teachers and students. The technology used should be robust enough to support the delivery of high-quality content.

E-learning is a cost-saving tool that reduces travel expenses for training purposes.

It allows learners to save time and money while traveling or working.


  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)
  • According to ATD's 2021 State of the Industry report, technology-based learning methods, including e-learning, accounted for 80 percent of learning hours used in 2020. (td.org)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)

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How To

Which technology should I use for my job?

You have many options depending on the type of device that your learner uses.

  1. Computer-based courses can be delivered via a computer.
  2. Mobile devices such smartphones and tablets can be used in eLearning.
  3. Courses can be delivered using both computers and mobile devices.
  4. Some organizations offer eLearning courses on DVD discs which can be viewed on any computer.
  5. Most people prefer to create web pages that allow users to view the material online.
  6. There are also some hybrid solutions where part of the course is delivered through a website while another part is delivered through a CD or DVD.
  7. Some organizations offer free eLearning courses via the telephone. These courses can also be recorded by the learners and played back later.


What is a Diploma Mill, and how do you define it?